A trip to see the gardens of Chatsworth whilst the Sotherbys Sculpture Exhibition is taking place
The gardens open at 11:00AM, so we can meet in the courtyard where the shops and cafés are just prior to that.
Some people are planning on arriving earlier and taking photos in the grounds - if you want to arrange to meet people earlier, make a post in the Flickr discussion linked below.
Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/leeds/discuss/72157602061982776/
Added by publicenergy on September 19, 2007
I think we can rule out the alternative parking spot in Baslow judging by the reaction! ;) See you at the main car park!
thought u guys might like to know that there is a sculpture exbo at Kew at the moment - Henry Moore.
Hope you have lovely weather for your trip.
Well, we're days away so just thought I'd post here again and mention a few things.

In the upcoming.org listing, it says 11am meeting in the courtyard near the garden entrance next to the cafe's and whatnot. That will be the main meeting point. If anyone wants my mobile number send me a Flickrmail so that we can tell you where we are if we end up going in to the gardens and we need to find each other in case anyone gets lost or is running late.
Additionally, a few people have said they're going to arrive early and explore the estate a bit before going to the gardens/house area for the meeting point at 11am.
I think I'm personally going to get there for 8:30 / 9:00 and have a wander around and quite likely park North of Chatsworth at Baslow so that I have to walk in and out of the estate - it'll be dark at the end so a torch will be a good idea if there isn't enough moonlight. I must stress though, that this bit is my optional extra, so don't feel obliged to join in this bit - it's much easier to just park next to the house!
I've marked relevent places on this map - the arrowed route is the way in and out of the estate from the Sheffield / M1 direction.