300 S. Ash Ave,
Tempe, Arizona 85251

Depot Cantina 480-966-6677 300 S. Ash Ave, Tempe, AZ, 85251

Meet 5:00 to 5:30 for Happy and appetizers. Then walk down to the Tempe Town Lake for our Walkabout.

Official Website: http://flickr.com/groups/azwonders/

Added by rusty_tripod on June 3, 2007



Thanks. Sylvia. I am finally a member of the right meetup group. It is taking a while to figure out the site. Any wonder I stay away from digital?



I've added a machine tag to iancaridoc's photo of Tempe Town Lake so we at least have one photo to go with our event listing. It will be great fun to both meetup at Macayo's but also to walk over to the lake for sunset photos. Anyone is welcome to attend both or either "happenings". Someone who wants more info or a contact phone number for me is welcome to write using the mail message system in upcoming.yahoo.com or by flickr mail.



Anyone know which side of the lake y'all are planning for?

There's the beach on the south side nearest Macayo's, which should have some good opportunities, and there's the parking lots and boat landings on the north side between the bridges, which is where I took the shot shown in the "Photos" thread attached to this event.

I don't think we can make it for the Macayo's meet, but might be able to find y'all down by the lake if we have some idea where you'll be.

(Yes, trying to get the wife to come with.)


great input! I suggest we go for the beach on the south, and perhaps if there are 5 or more of us, those who want to drift to the north side can do that , leaving some of us at the beach side. I will send you my cellphone number, iaincaradoc, and that way you'll be able to call during the time you and your wife may be able to come by. You know that the sunset light will tell us the best shots possible for this evening.