This two day workshop will help enterprise architects, development managers and team leaders understand how to run real-world Adobe Flex projects. Attendees will get an overview of frameworks, tools, utilities and best practices of RIA development with Adobe Flex and Java. This technical event will help you to avoid typical architectural mistakes usually made on first projects with Flex.
Both instructors of this workshop are well known Flex experts and published authors. Currently they work on the book for O'Reilly called "EnterpriseDevelopment with Flex".
Workshop OutlineDAY 1Adobe Flex Architecture Flash AMV2 Architecture Flex FrameworkThinking in Flex Flex code execution modelAccessing Enterprise Server Tier LiveCycle Data Services/Blaze Data Services Architecture Flex Communication Protocols Flex Messaging: Flex Client - Flex Client messaging Flex Client - external JMS messaging Server Push to Flex Clients RPC Services HTTPService WebService Flex Remoting DataManagement Services Data Synchronization with LCDS Data Synchronization with BlazeDS DataCollection objectModularization of Flex enterprise applications Flex Libraries Flex Modules and sub-applications Application Domains and class isolationFlex Portal Applications Using Flex in JSR 168 portals Custom client-side Flex portalsIntegrating Flex applications with External applications Flex - JavaScript Flex - Ajax Flex ExcelDAY 2Staffing Flex projectsThree groups of Flex developersGUI and Component DevelopersResponsibilities of Flex ArchitectsDesigner-developer workflowComparing MVC Architectural Flex Frameworks Cairngorm Mate PureMVC
Design Patterns in Flex
Overview of Clear Toolkit by Farata Logging with Log2Fx Automation of Ant scripts with Fx2Ant Automatic generation of ActionScript Data Transfer Objects with DTO2Fx Generation of CRUD applications with Clear Data BuilderOverview of Adobe AIR and data synchronization using BlazeDSTroubleshooting AMFTesting tools Unit Testing Stress testingFunctional TestingBuild scripts Automation of ANT script creation Continuous integrationFlex Developer's Workstation, setting team environmentFlex Component librariesMinimizing the time of Initial Application loading Flex Framework RSL Use of the logon screen via pre-loaders
Free beer for all attendees.Instructors:Dr. Victor Rasputnis spends most of his time providing architectural design, implementation management and mentoring to companies migrating to Flex and J2EE technologies. Victor authored several books and dozens of technical articles. He holds PhD in Computer Science. Recently he co-authored book , "Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex and Java: Secrets of the Masters", and now Victor is working on the O'Reilly book "Enterprise Development with Flex".
Yakov Fain is a Managing Director and a Partner at Farata Systems, a company that provides consulting services in the field of development of enterprise Rich Internet applications. He authored several technical books, and dozens of articles on software development. Recently he co-authored the book , "Rich Internet Applications with Adobe Flex and Java: Secrets of the Masters". He's a co-author of the upcoming OReilly book "Enterprise Development with Flex". Sun Microsystems has nominated and awarded Mr. Fain with the title of Java Champion, which was presented to only a hundred people in the world. He leads the Princeton Java Users Group. Yakov is Certified Adobe Flex Instructor.If you have questions regarding this event, please call us at 1-732-598-4027.
Organized by Farata SystemsFarata Systems is a leading IT consulting and product development company providing enterprise-wide IT solutions specializing in the area of rich internet applications.
We hire experts who have established long term successful track records of developing enterprise applications, not just talking about them.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird, $549.00
- Full Price, $899.00
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