In just a few days, Florida Creatives will have been a regular event in Orlando every month for 3 years. This is a cause for celebration. I hope you can all make it out to the festivities.
2010 is going to be a big year for Florida Creatives, with the Brevard circle turning 1 year old, and new circles starting in South Florida and Lakeland.
Come and meet some likeminded folks - people who are always learning, working to change the world, looking to create something new, or people who just like being social.
Thanks for 3 awesome years of your input, ideas, friendship and support. This group is reaching a new plateau, it is entirely due to our members, whom we ask little of, but who give us so much.
Admission is free, there is no sign-up form, there are no nametags, just come and be yourself, and the creatives will guide you from there!
It's not a user group, it's not an unconference, it's not a geek dinner, it's not a meetup or a networking event. Yet, people who enjoy these types of events will find a home at our table.
The best way I can tie all these folks together is with the string of Innovation - that magic pixie dust that inspires us when we see it in others, rewards us when we achieve it ourselves, and pat our peers on the back when they can do it without bragging.
Indeed, whether they be engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, actors, writers, or anyone else, the spark of invention brings us all to the marketplace, and has kept us coming back for over 2 years.
For those keeping tabs, we've also got a Florida Creatives on the Space Coast as well, and a new group getting started in South Florida. Creatives are getting organized all ove
Official Website:
Added by kerm52 on December 17, 2009