284, College W, 2nd floor
Toronto, Ontario

Cost: FREE!!!

We are looking for presenters for this gathering, so if you have something to show and tell, please email pucknell@fitc.ca.

Presentation Schedule:

  1. 8:00: Zen Mix Vlogging Tool from Inventor Dan Zen

  2. 8:30: Hugh Elliott

  3. 9:00: Flash Lite, with James Eberhardt of MarbleMedia

    Official Website: http://www.flashinto.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3707

    Added by gabriel on June 13, 2006



    hmm, sounds interesting but do you mean FlashinTO like:

    flash: "Function: verb
    7 : to expose one's genitals usually suddenly and briefly in public"


    Flash: "a popular authoring software developed by Macromedia, is used to create vector graphics-based animation programs."

    because I feel that these would be two very different sorts of gathering.


    Then again I don't see why we couldn't find a way to combine these two themes somehow?



    Flash, as in the multimedia authoring program, originally named FutureSplash Animator and created by FutureWave Software, bought out and further developed by Macromedia, and currently owned by Adobe Systems. ;)


    I only joke, but meanwhile this event is starting to look pretty good.


    Come and attend a great workshop by the CNMA 2006's Programmer of the Year!