45 Church Road
Hove, England BN3 2BE

Arduino is your architypal dead easy-to-use open-source electronics prototyping platform for artists, designers, hobbyists, and just ANYONE interested in twiddly knob, flashing LED 'n talking-to-Flash cool shit. That would be you, right? And what's RFID? Well I expect you can read something about it online, should you want to.

Fresh from our success in bringing a WHOLE HONEST-TO-GOODNESS Adobe evangelist all the way from Belgium JUST FOR YOU, FlashBrighton continue in this hobnobing-with-the-stars vein by getting the guys from Tinker.it - who only bloody went and INVENTED Arduinos in the first place - in for what the bookies are already tipping as the 'Workshop of the Year': Introduction to Arduino and RFID.

Tinker.it workshopper Nick Weldin will be in-house and on-hand to guide us. He's done this sort of thing before, actually. He'll start with an introduction to Arduino, then to RFID and group you into multi-disciplinary teams of 3-4 when the real fun'll start and you'll get to build something small and fun with an RFID kit, for which Nick'll already have existing code etc. if you want. According to Tinker.it:

"Using RFID is a really nice way to introduce people to electronics and get them to be creative without getting blocked off by the technicalities too much. We had flash developers, artists and people with programming skills work together and produce some pretty great stuff in about 5 hours."

So there you go, straight from the horse's mouth. As per, the session is 100% gloriously FREE-OF-CHARGE but you will have to pay for any electronic bits 'n bobs you want to take home afterwards. So make sure you bring your wallet cos after having had SO MUCH FUN wiring whatever cool little thing you end up making, having to dismantle it and give it all back to Nick at the end will be a real heartbreaker.

Do we even need to add any more persuasion this far down the page? Thought not! Lets see you registering then, post haste!

Official Website: http://www.flashbrighton.org/wordpress/?p=162

Added by flashbrighton on August 13, 2008

Interested 1