GridIron Flow is the world's first Visual Workflow Manager. It shows all your project files, how they're related to each other, and where they're located. And Adobe After Effects is the industry standard for motion graphics and visual effects. Like Batman and Robin, they're a powerful duo, putting tools at your disposal that will KERPOW! your clients with superhero-level graphics animation in less time than it takes to say GADZOOKS!!! And we've got the cream of the crop in Catwoman Angie Taylor to purr into the Batcave and demo them for you.
Angie is a freelance animator, designer and superheroine with more than a decade's worth of experience in broadcast media and the author of two books on After Effects, so her utility belt is well stocked with hints, tips and techno-gadgets. Come let her feline charms show you how dastardly GridIron Flow and avenging After Effects can combine to save the world. Or save your behind-budget, stressful animation contract, at least.
Before all tickets sold, head for the wardrobe for your Batgear and make sure you don't miss a single scene of this tense drama by booking your place here and now! And get ready to WHAM! CRUNCH! and KAZAM!!! your way to animation superhero-dom now!
Official Website:
Added by flashbrighton on March 12, 2009
The map shows the Werks venue as being on the Old Shoreham Road, near The Drive. The address says Church Road. Which is it please? And where can I park if I drive there? Or I could get a bus if I have time...number 7 bus? Alison
Hi Alison,
ignore that map, it's blatantly wrong :-(
here's a proper map
Loads of buses go by there so you shouldn't have any problem and if you need to park there are usually some spaces behind the building.
Hi Alison,
ignore that map, it's blatantly wrong :-(
here's a proper map
Loads of buses go by there so you shouldn't have any problem and if you need to park there are usually some spaces behind the building.
I have a works meeting just before this so I may be a little bit late...I will skip supper (and bring a snack!) in order to try to be there on time!
Alison Garnham