Adobe Flash Training Chicago
Flash training classes in Chicago. Small class sizes and certified instructors.
Adobe Flash CS3 training in Chicago is used for creating rich content for digital, web and mobile platforms.
Designers and Developers use Flash to create websites, media advertisements, presentations, computer games, and much more.
Our Flash instructors are all experienced Flash Designers and Developers who love to teach and share their extensive Real World experiences.
Flash CS3 Fundamentals (3 days) - $1195
Flash ActionScript 3 (3 days) - $1495
Flash Training Package Deal
Sign-up for our 3 day Flash ActionScript class and receive the Flash Fundamentals class for FREE.
Upcoming Flash classes
Flash CS3 Fundamentals
Dec 10 - 12
Jan 19 - 21
Feb 18 - 20
Flash ActionScript 3 Fundamentals
Dec 15 - 17
Feb 23 - 25
Flash ActionScript 3 Advanced
Dec 18 - 19
Feb 26 - 27
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