Jacob Felix Heule (Ettrick): drums
Tony Dryer (Flying Luttenbachers): bass
Alwyn Quebido (Saint of Killers): guitar
What can be said about Flaming Horse that hasn't already been said about Bubble Puppy? They are boisterous, uncompromising, atmospheric, intense, complex, organic, energetic, rambunctious, rousing, ambitious, searching, trippy and freewheeling. Flaming Horse maps out the territory between free improvisation and extreme metal, though the three members would probably each consider this their mellower, more introspective project in comparison to the brutality of their other groups. Hot smoke and sasafrass.
Dubmarronics - electronics (Japan)
Mason Jones - solo guitar
Cost : $6-10 sliding
Official Website: http://bayimproviser.com/transbay_calendar.asp?summary=false&event_id=5732
Added by hogheaven on December 18, 2006