2800 S. Lone Tree Road
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Do-It-Yourself Marketing with Erin Cornwell

Are you in the winner's seat when it comes to your marketing plan? Don't let the economy or your competition knock you out of the race! Be in the lead lap and take the checkered flag...be a winner with your marketing plan.

For nearly 20 years, marketing has been a central part of Erin's job. Marketing for groups such as NASCAR, National Teams Conference, a Hollywood movie-product-placement company and as the Marketing Manager for the City of Flagstaff for 2 1/2 years. She has training and experience in flyers, ads. logos, tag lines, photo shoots, radio/tv commercials, convention booths, sponsorships, product placement and promotional items.

Fee: Chamber members: $15; Non-members: $20
Discount applies to 3 class-series registration. Call for more information or to register.

To register, contact: Christen Fallon at the Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce: 928-774-4505 or cfallon@flagstaffchamber.com

Added by Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce on February 3, 2009