FIVES is a progressive blend of rock, blues, jazz, and funk, combining intertwining melodies with creative and pertinent lyrics.
Formed in 2007 by vocalist/guitarist/songwriter, Marc Cashin and pianist/organist, Matthew White.
•Marc found Matt on, a musician's website.
•Marc sent a demo CD of songs he had recorded in Nashville hoping to recruit Matt to help him form a band.
•Marc found drummer John Greenhalgh on the website, Craigslist.
•It was a pure coincidence that John checked Craigslist that night. It was his first time checking the website for a band to play with.
•Marc asked his friend Dave Knopp to join the group as the band's bassists.
•Mark Muto is the band's lead guitarist. He joined full time in March 2010
•FIVES is currently in the studio recording their debut album. The band chose Bias Recording Studios in Northern Virginia.
Official Website:
Added by Jammin Java on September 8, 2010