Executive teams and boards with more female members make more money for their shareholders. It’s that simple.
And executives agree that the organisational capabilities essential for companies to thrive in the long term are most often shown by female leaders.
Then why aren't more organisations focusing on diversity strategies in their senior teams and across their organisations? **
And why is there not more organisational support for men who display these capabilities?
Hear about the importance of balancing Yin and Yang values in the complex uncertain world we have created. Reflect on what we can do about it. How can we build feminine values - sharing, collaboration, communication, caring - into our organisations to make them more successful, and to co-create sustainable futures? Innovation is built on collaboration.
Jen Dalitz, founder and SheO of Sphinxx, social commentator, author and speaker will focus on some of the key issues
Matt Jones, founder and CEO of Social Alchemy will present how "Social entrepreneurship has complexity theory written all over it"
Janine Cahill, futurist, innovator, entrepreneur will speak on the importance of flexible, collaborative thinking in the complex uncertain environments in which we find ourselves, and some of the neuroscience of gender.
Short presentations will encourage reflection on the presented ideas and group discussions. This is as usual followed by the Innovation Lab, where we will gain new insights and develop new ideas by using a combination of creative tools, foresight methods and sustainability principles.
Join us at this next FISH@6 event. Be inspired! Co-create the future.
**source: "Leadership through the crisis and after", McKinsey Global Survey, October 2009)
RSVP on fish@futurejourneys.com
Added by FutureJourneys on October 15, 2009