Hosted by Janine Cahill, Future Journeys and supported by The Department of State and Regional Development, The Futures Foundation and The Society for Sustainable Business.
This event's theme is Sustainable Design.
It is going to be a really important meeting next Thursday with great presenters talking about something we should all know about. As Dan Pink says in A Whole New Mind, creatives will rule the future. Do you want to be one?
It's time NOW to reconnect with our creative selves. To make better strategy, to design better services and products, and to remain resilient in these challenging times.
So we have lined up a few leaders from the field of Design to share their insights:
Deborah Kneeshaw on Design Thinking
Darren Menachemson on Designing by Recontextualising.
Selena Griffith on Sustainable Design
And Janine Cahill will share one of the hottest concepts in Sustainable Thinking at the moment, Cradle to Cradle Design.
And let's kickstart the Innovation Lab, that time to co-create solutions with others.
We will explore a challenge nominated by you. We will use a combination of creative tools, foresight methods and sustainablity principles. We will gain new insights, and develop new ideas for new products and services and ways of interaction. Format for the evening is:
1. Welcome from Department of State and Regional Development
2. Welcome to the Hothouse from Janine Cahill, Future Journeys
3. Provocation/Stimulation (4 x 10 mins):
4. Resonance and Reflection: Time to discuss the application of these ideas in groups to your own experience
5. Innovation Challenge:
In teams for the Y-prize (like the X-prize but without the $100m).
6. Winners and Wrap
The Hothouses are designed for participants to attend one or all. Come along and develop your innovation capacity. Co-create with others, have fun and build resilience in these challenging times.
For further information please visit our website and RSVP to us on or join our new Facebook group Future Journeys.
Added by FutureJourneys on March 15, 2009