Hamilton Room, Level 47 MLC Building, 19 Martin Place
Sydney, New South Wales 2000

Hosted by Janine Cahill, Future Journeys and supported by The Department of State and Regional Development, The Futures Foundation and The Society for Sustainable Business.

To welcome 2009 we have planned an innovation lab, an opportunity to look at some real challenges and work on them together.  
We will use a combination of creative tools, foresight methods and sustainability principles. We will gain new insights, and develop new ideas for new products and services and ways of interaction.

Brief overview presentations on:
Innovation and Open Innovation (open source, open collaboration, crowd source) by Janine Cahill 
Innovation in Social Media (speaker TBA)
Innovation in Free Software and Internet (speaker TBA)

This is followed by group discussions on the application of the presented ideas.

The Hothouses are designed for participants to attend one or all. Come along and develop your innovation capacity. Co-create with others, have fun and build resilience in these challenging times. 

Join the mail list at www.futurejourneys.com or email jcahill@futurejourneys.com
or phone Janine on 0403 168 230.

Limited numbers so please RSVP now at jcahill@futurejourneys.com

Official Website: http://www.futurejourneys.com

Added by FutureJourneys on February 18, 2009

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