400 N. Broad Street.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

First Person Arts is seeking women ages 50 and older from underserved Philadelphia-area communities to share their stories as part of Memoir at Middle Age: An Introductory Workshop for Women. The free six-week community workshop series is designed specifically for beginners and will be led by Dianna Marder, feature writer at The Philadelphia Inquirer. Marder will guide the women in documenting their personal histories through short, descriptive pieces about their life experiences. Memoir at Middle Age aims to honor individual self-expression and help its participants recognize the value of sharing their personal experiences and observations.

Memoir at Middle Age will run on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m., April 3rd through May 8th at the Inquirer building, located at 400 N. Broad Street. Participants will attend all six workshops. The workshop series is free and open to women 50 and over who qualify following a brief registration interview. Please contact Dianna Marder at (215) 854-5702 or at dmarder@phillynews.com to register or ask questions. Go to www.firstpersonarts.org or call (267) 402-2056 for information about First Person Arts.

Official Website: http://www.firstpersonarts.org

Added by Canary Promo on February 12, 2008

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