5401 N Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale, Arizona 85250

This is the first event we have ever done like this in Phoenix.

We have an incredible event that we are unveiling to you this Thursday night. Our local Phoenix investor friends and partners from right here in our backyard are going to be breaking down numerous deals they have completed just in the last few months which is very important considering the rapidly changing economic and real estate markets.

We are going to be explaining how Phoenix investors are raising capital from other local investors, doing short sales, fix & flips, REO’s and wholesales locally and even some across the country. We will be showing live deals we have completed here in the valley and walk you through them step by step. Some of them with no money out of pocket using creative finance and privately raised capital.

If you are ready to do what it takes to make a change financially or take your real estate business to the next level then I invite you to take action and be unreasonable and take time out of your life to attend this event. Reasonable people get reasonable results and let things get in the way of not coming to events like this. I urge you to take action today. How we do anything is how we do everything. Whether or not you come to this event, I invite you to take yourself on and step into the realm of creating more for yourself and more for your life and for the life of your loved ones.

You must be on the guest list to get in as my guest. Please email me with you first and last name prior to the event so I can put you on the list.

Yours in success, Ruben Greth - rlgreth@aol.com

To get what we've never had we must do what we've never done ~ from the book 212, The Extra Degree

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=253000265211

Added by Ruben Greth on August 26, 2009

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