19877 N. Davis Road
Lodi, California 95242

It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce our first annual Wine and Dine fundraiser benefiting Joe Serna PTA. We are a non-profit agency that is dedicated to enriching students lives and education through events for the family, cultural programs and curriculum enhancement. We are committed to expanding the experiences of each child and making every child's potential a reality.

The Wine and Dine will be held at the historic Bare Ranch located at 19877 N. Davis Road, surrounded by 180 acres of vineyard. Bare Ranch was named after the family of 1930s legendary boxer Max Baer. His son, Max Baer, Jr., played Jethro on the Beverly Hillbillies. Another relative, Richard Baer, was a Hollywood director. The property includes a two story arts and crafts style house built in 1903. Ranch del Oso was an operating winery until the early 1950s. Most of the original buildings remain. Later, it became the Bare Fruit Company.

Please mark your calendars for April 25, 2009, 4:30 hors d’oeuvres and silent auction, 6:00 dinner and live auction. Tickets are $50 per person and dinner will be prepared by Top Chef Contestant Michael Midgley. Tables of 8 for $400 or 10 for $500 can also be purchased. A table purchase entitles you to a reserved table for your party and a listing in our program.

We greatly appreciate your support. All donations are wholeheartedly and gratefully accepted. If you have any questions, please contact me at sabrina@ssc-lawoffice.com.

Official Website: http://wineanddine.zapto.com

Added by joesernaPTA on March 3, 2009