A HEALTHIER 2010. First Annual Bay Area Wellness Festival
on Wed. 1/20, 7 PM, Cubberly Theater, 4000 Middlefield, Palo Alto.
$10 donation at the door
Various Bay Area Wellness Groups and their Outlook for 2010
Smartlife Forum
The Table of Life
SBay Raw Food Meetup
The Wellness Cuisine Chef Community
The EastBay Eco Health Network
Health Medicine Forum
Lifestyle and Nutrition for Health and Vitality
Natural Health Options & Services
Project Wellbeing A Wellness Cyber Connection
Ecopolitan Network
Lecture/Discussion with Prof Adiel Tel-Oren
. Spontaneous healing & spontaneous wellness
. How we can become good consumers of the health care industry
. How we can maximize out potential for health and longevity
. How we can improve out brain function and mental outlook
Only with awareness, sharing of knowledge, and appropriate action can we reclaim our health as individuals and as a society.
Prof. Adiel Tel-Oren (MD, DC, CCN, DABFM) is on the forefront of a healthy approach to nutrition and medicine. He works tirelessly with people around the globe to make a difference through the Ecopolitan network. He is also the co-founder of CCODR, Nepal's Health Plan, caring for 200,000 villagers.
Post-Lecture Party with Raw Fingerfood Potluck.
Please contribute a snack.
Official Website: http://wellnessfestival.projectwellbeing.com/
Added by FullCalendar on January 7, 2010