2419 North Stanton
El Paso, Texas 79902

first! a photography exhibit at the SpAG in El Paso. The El Paso flickr Group would like to invite you to our first ever photography exhibit Oct. 5th - 17th. Photographers from El Paso, Las Cruces and Juarez Chih., MX have put this exhibit together and it will be the first of many to come. So please join us as we explore the local photography scene.

Added by ihveissues on August 27, 2007



This is a great idea, count me in!


Thank-you for this invitation for this special event. I can't attend as I wish I could. Living in North Carolina is away off from Texas. I would love for my photo or photo's to be included in someway at the event.
Is there away for this to be possible?
If so, how would I go about doing this? Thank-you again!
Bless you all in our Lord Jesus Christ!


