The movie FIREPROOFhas been a box office smash since its release last September. Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, GA raised $500,000 to produce a movie to "impact the culture". Well, they sure have! Fireproof to date has grossed $33 million, helped rescue thousands of marriages across the country, given the church a valuable new ministry resource and encouraged Christian film writers and producers.
FIREPROOF also has some powerful messages for men. WACMM has put together a special new four-hour seminar using clips from the movie to help men address what it means to be a godly husband, loving father and faithful friend.
As you register, keep in mind that you have the opportunity to invite another man to join you for the day. Who knows, you may not only be strenghtening your marriage, but saving another!
Organized by Washington Area Coalition of Men's MinistriesThe largest Christian men's resource organization in the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Ticket Info: - Registration Fee, $25.99
- Tax-Deductible Donatione to WACMM, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/283678490/upcoming