2 Massachusetts Ave Ne
Washington, District of Columbia 20002

As the largest, fastest, and most glamorous ships of their eras, Hindenburg and Titanic share many similarities. The human tragedy associated with each stunned the world - a shock that affects people to this day. Both offered travelers elegant accommodations, and both provided postal services. In each era, the public trusted modern technology to provide safety and speed. And as anniversaries of the disasters are marked in 2012 - 75 years since Hindenburg burned and a century since Titanic sank - many questions remain unanswered. Exhibit highlights feature a rare piece of mail sent from the Titanic and burnt mail salvaged from the wreckage of the Hindenburg. Over 50 original objects include mail, postcards, menus, photographs, keys from the Titanic post office, and the salvaged postmark device from the Hindenburg.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 7, 2012

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