130 Kingsmere Place,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Our Purpose
Paul Keith Davis
Steven Shelley
Todd & Melanie Toews
Dave & Laurie Summers
Ark & Louise Yee
Conference Location
Schedule & Registration

Sign Up

Our Purpose

This is our 5th Annual Fire and Glory Conference and we are anticipating this year's conference as being one of our most significant and strategic conferences to date. Our guest speakers have been students of Revival and they have been particularly interested in the wells of Revival that have historically come out of our city and region.

The Lord has been awakening prophets and intercessors from around the World concerning His purposes for our Region. Saskatchewan and Saskatoon in particular has been marked by heaven for Revival. We know this to be true. We say, Yes Lord, let it come!

We invite you to join us this year as we in GREAT EXPECTANCY sing to those wells of Revival to Spring UP! We cry out... Lord let the fire fall... touch down once again!

We are also pleased to provide a dynamic children's ministry during this conference. The Lord said that in the last days He would pour out His spirit on All flesh. We are believing for such an outpouring upon our children for this conference. We invite you to bring your entire family!


Paul Keith Davis

Paul Keith Davis spent twenty years in the business arena before entering full-time ministry. He and his wife Wanda founded WhiteDove Ministries after the Lord sovereignty sent a beautiful white dove to them as a prophetic sign of their calling. They have traveled extensively speaking at conferences and churches imparting the end-time mandate of preparation for the Glory and Manifest Presence of Christ.

He has spent many years in an extensive study highlighting the ministry of revelation and power exemplified throughout the church ages with an emphasis on the 20th century church. His hearts desire is to see the full restoration of Biblical Apostolic ministry manifested through the Spirit of Truth residing in God's people expressing salvation, healing and deliverance to the Glory of God and His Christ.

Paul Keith has a unique gift for imparting prophetic understanding of times and seasons with a message of preparation and expectancy for the Lord's Empowering Presence. Paul Keith and his wife, Wanda, reside in Orange Beach, Alabama. Together they have five children and four grandchildren.

Steven Shelley

Pastor Steven Shelley has traveled the world, preaching and singing since 1975. He received a divine call at the age of three and started his pulpit ministry at the age of seven. He came on a tour to Israel when he was eleven and had a powerful open-eye vision when he visited the Holocaust Memorial Museum, Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem. The vision was of the Valley of the Dry Bones from Ezekiel 37. He saw himself speaking to those bones and watched them come to life. He knew then that someday he would return to Israel and see this vision come to pass.

Pastor Shelley has been given a beautiful gift of seeing into the heavenly realms, and he has been faithful to declare the visions and revelations that God has given him. Some of these visions concern future world events, and many have already come to pass. He is a strong preacher of the un-compromised Word of God and has many spiritual gifts operating through his ministry. He carries a heavy burden to see the Bride's Revival loosed into every nation of the world and to see God's Bride moving and operating in the freedom and liberty of the true baptism of the Holy Ghost. Pastor Shelley has ministered in 58 nations of the world.

His new program, The Eagle's Cry, is now being broadcast from Iceland on the Gospel Channel, which reaches over 80 nations throughout Europe, the Middle East, western Asia and northern Africa via satellites and the UK via cable TV. One satellite hovers over Israel so the Word is going forth from Zion!

Pastor Shelley makes his home in Salem, Alabama with his lovely wife, Stacey, his two sons, Benjamin Judah and Joshua River, and his two daughters, Olivia Zion and Moriah Destiny.


Todd & Melanie Toews

Todd and Melanie Toews (along with their two children) live in Dauphin, Manitoba in the beauty of the prairies. High school sweethearts, they are passionate worship leaders and are currently involved in Youth ministry where they mentor youth to walk intimately and closely with their God.

Their desire is to release God's heart through throne room worship. Todd and Melanie carry an incredible capacity to lead the people of God into His Throne Room.

Todd and Melanie have ministered at various conferences with artists like Joanne McFatter, Heather Clark and Jason & Jackie Heistad. They are continually writing and recording the songs they receive from Heaven.

Dave & Laurie Summers

Dave and Laurie Summers are Associate Pastors and Worship Leaders for the Dwelling Place Church in Saskatoon. Dave and Laurie began their journey with the Lord in 1992 and immediately began to serve the Body of Christ through worship. Over the years they have ministered in local assemblies, in northern communities as well as at conferences and events.

Their passion is to see God's people set free to worship their King - to be able to go into the throne room of God - to know Him.

With strong prophetic anointings and deep sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, Dave and Laurie seek to facilitate corporate worship in such a way that the sounds of heaven are released on earth and God's people engage the King of Glory. Dave and Laurie are song writers and authors and will be releasing their first CD in 2009.

Children's Ministry

Ark & Louise Yee

Ark and Louise Yee Ark & Louise's love for the Lord brought them together while they were serving Him in Hong Kong in 1984. Their hearts desire is to see people experience the saving power and glorious love of God and walk in the freedom that Jesus died for. They have been in children's ministry for 20 years and have seen the Holy Spirit perform many wonderful signs and wonders with the children and grown ups alike.

Ark and Louise were touched powerfully by the Lord in the fall of 2005 as the Holy Spirit sovereignly walked into their Sunday school class that morning and set the children on fire for nine months. He came upon the children and many were baptized in the Holy Spirit, healed and some taken to heaven and spoke with Jesus. They have many incredible stories of joyous God encounters that will amaze and delight your heart. They were compelled to begin Jacob's Well Ministries and continue to go where the heart of the Father calls them.

Ark and Louise continue to have wondrous visitations of the Lord as He confirms His Word of grace and love with signs and wonders to those He gave His life for. Ark and Louise reside in Moose Jaw with their wonderful children, Christopher and Cassia.

Conference Location

Rock of Ages Church 130 Kingsmere Place Saskatoon, SK View Larger Map

(NOTE: Please do not contact Rock of Ages Church for Information regarding the conference)

Schedule & Registration


Thursday May 14th

Session I: 7:00pm

Friday May 15th

Session I: 10:00 a.m
Session II: 2:00 p.m.
Session III: 7:00p.m.


Saturday May 16th

Session I: 10:00a.m.
Session II: 2:00p.m.
Session III: 7:00p.m.



Early Registration(before April 23): $50/person $90/couple $130/Family
After April 23: $60/person $110/couple $150/family
$20/Children (6-12 years)
Children 0 to 5 years FREE (Please note there is no child care for this age group)

Register Online at www.vanguardministries.ca
Phone In Registration at (306)975-0100
Mail in Cheque or Money Order with your complete contact information to:
Vanguard Revival Ministries (or V. R. M. I.) P.O. Box 28053, Saskatoon, SK. S7M 5V8

NOTE: If you are mailing in your registration, Please specify that it is for the Fire & Glory Conference.


We strongly recommend that you book your hotel accommodations at least one month prior to the conference. Hotel accommodations fill up very quickly in Saskatoon especially being on a long weekend. Many hotels are already full!

Travelodge Hotel (1-888-278-4209) 106 Circle Dr. W

Colonial Square Motel & Suites (306343-1676) 1-1301 8th St E

Comfort Inn (934-1122) 2155 Northridge Dr

Park Town Hotel (306.244-5564) 924 Spadina Cres E

Hilton Garden Inn(306)244-2311) 1st Ave. & 22nd Street

Ramada Hotel & Golf Dome(306)665-6500) 806 Idywlwyld Dr North

Vanguard Revival Ministries International

email: info@vanguardministries.ca
phone: (306)975-0100
web: http://www.vanguardministries.ca

Email Marketing by

Organized by Vanguard Revival Ministries International

Vanguard Revival Ministries
International (VRMI) is a Christian organization reaching out
through mercy and compassionate ministry, through directinvolvement in
the community and through the equipping of individuals and groups to engage in
the work of the ministry.This is a frontline ministry, and as such goes
ahead of the main movement to prepare the way and set the tone for engagement.

Founded in early 2004 by Fred &
Michelle Pexa, VRMI is dedicated to partnering with like-minded business
leaders, ministries and churches to bring the Kingdom of God
to bear on society. Fred & Michelle have many years of ministry
experience working with troubled youth, addicts and the poor and
disenfranchised. As business owners,
they have also seen the great need in the Marketplace for the light of the
Gospel. Fred & Michellereturned to Saskatoon
following almost two years of developing and leading revival outreach teams in
the inner core of Calgary, AB, Canada.Over
the past four years Vanguard Ministries has been training and equipping the
Body of Christ to go into all spheres of society with the demonstration of the
Gospel of the Kingdom.

Ticket Info:  
  • Single Registration, C$51.25
  • Couple Registration, C$92.25
  • Family Registration, C$133.25
  • Student Registration, C$25.99
  • Children's Registration, C$20.99

Official Website: http://fireandglory-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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