Women have been striving for power for over 40 years. But what if we're going about it in the wrong way? What if our power actually comes from our intuition, our compassion and our unique use of energy?
At the EquusEmbrace Women's Workshop "Finding the Power Within," you'll learn how to move a 1,000 lb. horse with just a look and a suggestion. You'll see how your intuition can open doors you never even knew were closed. And you'll discover how compassion can attract even the most powerful of horses...and humans.
What happens during the weekend:
*Define your greatest barrier to using your power.
*Learn what comes naturally: women's intuition.
*Listen to the horse: how powerful are you?
*Live with intention.
*Define the difference between your personality and your Truth.
Join us for a weekend of fun and powerful women! The horses await your arrival!
No horse experience necessary. Ground work only.
Official Website: http://www.equusembrace.com
Added by FullCalendar on June 21, 2009