Christopher Sims and Patrick Lernout, residents of Belgium, have been researching Flanders Field burials for nearly a decade. On their first research excursion to the United States they will make a visit to the NYG&B to discuss their fascinating project and share their finds.
Their Powerpoint presentation will include general historical information on the United States' part in World War I; information on the history of Flanders Field and the American Battle Monuments Commission; Gold Star Mothers; Memorial Day in Belgium; and details and examples of the information found on some of the New Yorkers, both officers and soldiers, interred at Flanders Field.
Fees: $25 Members/$35 Non-members. You may register for this program via our online store at
or by calling 212-755-8532, ext. 36.
Official Website:
Added by SugarSkyScraper on April 3, 2008