Financial Management - Professional Development with UT Alumni
Dave Ramsey's Financial Principles!
Memphis, Tennessee
Another special event for young alumni is planned, this onein Memphis at theButcher Shop.Jeff Hall, UT alum and former football star, will speak to young alumni in the areaon March 26thabout financial management.
Hall's firmis the Endorsed Local Provider for Dave Ramsey in East Tennessee.He is with Rather Kittrell Capital Management in Knoxville. The firm specializes in wealth management.
Hall will present on a variety of financial management topics including some ofDave Ramsey's principles. He will be part of the ongoing professional development series for young alumni. The UT Young Alumni Program offers special events tailored to the needs of graduates of the last 10 years. For more information visit
The ticket price includes the presentation from Jeff Hall, heavy hors d'oeurvres, and non-alcoholic drinks. A cash bar will also be available.
6:30pm - Networking and Hors D'Oeurves
7:00pm - Financial Management - Jeff Hall
This event is made possible the UT Office of Alumni Affairs, the Young Alumni Council, and the Shelby County Alumni Chapter.
***For questions please contact Andrew at 865.974.3011 or
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http://checkout.google.com/buyer/tour.html Organized by Office of Alumni AffairsThe mission of the Young Alumni Program at The University of Tennessee is to serve alumni of the institutions flagship campus in Knoxville through programming, community service, and social opportunities. These opportunities assist alumni in their transition from a collegiate to professional career and engage them for a lifetime relationship with their alma mater.
Young Alumni.
Connected Today.
Empowered Tomorrow.
Ticket Info: Financial Peace Ticket, $15.00
Official Website: http://memphisutya-upcoming.eventbrite.com