Are you ready to take your finances to the next level? The Financial Learning Experience is a great place to start!
Taught by author and speaker, Joseph Sangl, this event reflects his passion "to help others accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances."
Joseph believes that when people are financially free, they are much more likely to do EXACTLY what they have been put on earth to do.
In just two hours, participants will learn:
Joseph Sangl's Little Known, Secret Formula
How to develop a spending plan that works
Strategies for eliminating debt
The date they will become debt-free
Amount of money needed for retirement
The power of compound interest
All tools demonstrated are FREE!
Come prepared for a life-changing evening!
About Joseph Sangl
Joseph fired himself from Corporate America in 2006 and embarked on a national crusade to help others win with their money.
He travels around the nation teaching people practical tools they can use to gain financial freedom and was recently featured in Money Magazine.
You can find out more about Joe and his crusade HERE.
Organized by I Was Broke. Now I'm Not., LLCThe I Was Broke. Now I'm Not. Team is dedicated to equip people to accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances.
We believe that when people are financially free, they are much more likely to go do EXACTLY what they have been put on earth to do - regardless of the income potential.
Ticket Info: Financial Learning Experience - Easley, SC, Free
Official Website: http://fle20090520-upcoming.eventbrite.com