The Financial Learning Experienceis a high-energy, inspirational,andhighly practical class taught by Joseph Sangl.
People who attend the Financial LearningExperience will leave knowing...
How to develop a spending plan that works.
Strategies for eliminating debt.
The date they will become debt-free!!!
The amount of money needed for retirement.
The power of compund interest.
Joseph's secret EZ formula for financial freedom.
Plus many free tools to help you get started.Childcare will not be provided for this event.
The price of Joseph Sangl's Financial Learning Experienceincludes the seminar fee, a copy of Joseph's book"I Was Broke But Now I'm Not", a 6-week Bible studyand many more helpful financial planning tools.
Brought to you byCompass Point Church
Organized by Compass Point ChurchFor more infroamtion about Compass Point Church please visit our website at www.CompassPointLakeland.com
Ticket Info: - Individual, $15.99
- Couples, $20.99
Official Website: http://compasspointfle-upcoming.eventbrite.com