FREE Financial Freedom Seminar
Get ready to take control of your life...
Today's economy has given new meaning to having financial security. With Rising fuel and food prices, growing unemployment and the ballooning mortgage crisis, for the millions of families who struggle every day to stay afloat in this rocky economy - times are tough. It is clear that to survive in this world today, one must re-invent themselves and build multiple streams of income. With job openings few and far in between, some are finding the best road to employment is starting their own business.
Today a new group of people are emerging. They are the new professionals, the Entrepreneurs. This group of people consists of both young and old, affluent and humble, all of them possess one common creed: They desire to take control of their financial situation to create and fulfill their dreams on their own terms. They desire the freedom that owning a business can bring; the freedom of setting their own hours and the flexibility to work from home rather than enduring the long commute to a job. Entrepreneurs have a realization that when they work for someone else, there is always an artificially imposed ceiling (or limit) that is put on their lifestyle. This ceiling limits your productivity, income and freedom. When you work for yourself, however, the artificial ceiling vanishes; there are no limits to your success. And Rel↓v wants to show them how to make that happen.
This is your chance to learn from the leaders who know best why Reliv is the ideal entrepreneurial opportunity for today. If you want to see firsthand the limitless possibilities of the Reliv opportunity and why right now is the ideal time to seize it, you'll want to make sure you're there.
Join us for a free Financial Freedom Seminar, Wed, Nov 18, 7 - 9 pm, at San Ramon Marriott, 2600 Bishop Dr., San Ramon CA. Space is limited. Call today to register and confirm your seat - 866-469-8464.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 14, 2009