26300 Evergreen Rd.
Southfield, Michigan 48076

The final party is by invitation only! Readers (age 6 - 10) must complete 10 hours of reading time by Wednesday, July 29. Read to Me’s (age 3 - 5) must complete their reading record with all five stickers received by July 29.

Join us for Be Creative @ Your Library Summer Library Program! This reading enrichment program is for children in Preschool through 5th grade (ages 3 - 10) who live or attend school in Southfield or Lathrup Village. Registration now through Wednesday, July 22. Children must be present at registration. Each child will receive an age-appropriate reading record to keep track of their reading over the summer. Prize drawings will be held at the end of most events! Registered children may attend these events during the summer.

Added by southfield.library on June 25, 2009