15 Hagiwara Tea Garden Dr
San Francisco, California 94118

The second season of the popular series, Friday Nights at the de Young, ends this Friday night with an exciting evening of live music and an artist demonstration. Ancient Future, the first and longest-running musical organization dedicated to world-fusion music, is joined by Arabic violin virtuoso Georges Lammam and others. The bandleader of Ancient Future, Matthew Montfort, coined the term world-fusion music in 1978 to describe the band’s unusual blend of musical traditions from around the world. Also this Friday Night, The Great Tortilla Conspiracy, will be in the Kimball Education Gallery demonstrating their unique art. Artists in the Conspiracy heat-transfer a range of both traditional and non-traditional images onto corn tortillas. The entire Museum, including the two special exhibitions, The Sculpture of Louise Nevelson: Constructing a Legend and The Diane and Sandy Besser Collection, stays open until 8:45 pm. You don’t want to miss the grand finale of the second season of Friday Nights at the de Young. The third season of Friday Nights kicks off on January 18, 2008.

Regular museum admission prices apply on Friday nights. Admission includes access to all festivities including live music and interactive art projects. For tickets, call 866-912-6326 or visit www.museumtix.com. For more information, call 415-750-7634, email rbaldocchi@famsf.org, or visit http://www.deyoungmuseum.org.

Official Website: http://www.famsf.org/deyoung/calendar/day.asp?calendarid=3458&day=11%2F20%2F2007

Added by jrobbins on November 21, 2007

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