DV Final Cut Pro Studio Weekend Intensive
May 2 & 3 10am-7pm
link to more details at DVworkshops.com website
info (415) 810-5934
Interested in Digital Editing? Our digital editing classes are highly specialized. In this class students will learn Final Cut Pro Studio 6 TM using Aron Ranen's proven Fast Track Learning Solution SM. This course meets on two/nine hour days, over the course of a full weekend. Each day consists of hands on digital editing instruction using Final Cut Pro Studio 6TM
Students will learn the following:
DV Editing with Final Cut Pro Studio 6
Editing techniques and styles
Split edits
Condensing the interview
Text and Image
Importing CD music into Final Cut Pro
Using Key frames to fly images and boxes across the screen
Understanding rendering and nesting using FCP
Scripting the voice over
Voice over tips
Exporting out of Final Cut Pro
Basic overview of DVD Studio Pro
Color Correction
Students will also learn story telling Video Editing
Editing techniques to keep viewers interest will also
be covered.
link to video of instructor Aron Ranen teaching Final Cut Pro Studio
Feel free to call us for details (415) 810-5934
Official Website: http://www.dvworkshops.com
Added by DVworkshops.com on April 3, 2009