87 Lafayette Street
New York City, New York 10013

Final Cut Pro for AVID Editors:

Even the most devout of AVID Editors are starting to recognize the influence of Final Cut Pro, especially in the world of Independent Media. If you’re avid about AVID, but are looking to expand your skills (and your client base), then this workshop is for you! Our experts will teach you the Final Cut Pro interface in AVID terms, and will show you just how comparable these two programs really are.

• 2 Sessions: Wed 10/18, Thurs 10/19; 6:30pm-9:30pm

Price: $150/DCTV Members; $180/Non-Members

Placement is limited,
Call 212-966-4510 x246 to sign-up today!

Official Website: http://www.dctvny.org

Added by publicity@dctvny.org on September 20, 2006