This summer, open your imagination and enjoy myths, stories, and legends both old and new! Bring a blanket and snacks to view free outdoor movies on GW's Mount Vernon Campus Quad (rain location: Eckles Library Auditorium), 2100 Foxhall Road NW, starting at 8:30pm on Wednesday evenings from July 13th through August 17th. In addition to continuous shuttle service until 11:15pm between the Foggy Bottom Campus (departing at :00 and :30 minutes past the hour from 23rd and H Streets, Fulbright Hall) and the Mount Vernon Campus (departing at :15 and :45 minutes past the hour from the Quad), complimentary parking will be available in the Mount Vernon Campus Garage upon entering from the Whitehaven Parkway.
Added by heydanno on June 13, 2005
I'm not seeing any carriage returns in the description... Where are you seeing them, specifically?
Ah, got 'em. Don't know how they got in there.
Could you please remove the excessive carriage returns in the above text? Text editing prorams like notetab light (by are really handy at cleaning up text copied to the clipboard from email or the web.