Swarm Gallery | FILMNIGHT 4.0
Curated by Suki O'Kane of Illuminated Corridor
Free Admission
Oakland Ironworks parking lot [behind Swarm Gallery]
3rd Street between Jefferson and Clay
Swarm Gallery is pleased to announce the fourth in a series of monthly screenings of experimental, documentary, short, feature-length and animated film, video and all formats in between, curated by filmmakers and film enthusiasts from the Bay Area and beyond. There is a new home for film in Oakland!
FILMNIGHT 4.0 features an evening of artifacts from the Bay Area's live cinema milieu with a spotlight on the work of musicians who are making unique statements in the world of film. Including work from: Liz Allbee, Elise Baldwin, Jordan Glenn, epic[ABRIDGED], Killer Banshee, Kadet Kuhne, Daniel Popsicle, WetGate, Wiggwaum, and small, intense surprises.
FILMNMIGHT 4.0 is curated by Suki O'Kane, Project Coordinator for The Illuminated Corridor, a collision of public art, live music and film.
Official Website: http://swarmgallery.com/gallery/filmnight/filmnight4.htm
Added by shoister on September 26, 2009