Museum Rd, Near MG road
Bangalore, Karnataka 560001

A Comprehensive Fimmaking Workshop & Digital Filmmaking

Dates: 9th, 10th, 16th & 17th of April

To register contact 9886539405,
(Limited Seats: Registration on First Come First Serve Basis)

The workshop will be facilitated by Rabi Kisku and Siddharth Dayyala.

RabiKisku Entertainment has been conducting Filmmaking Workshops in Bangalore,
Hyderabad and Chennai for the last three years.
RKE has recently organized the "Bangalore Screenwriting Workshop" and was part of the organizing
team for "Imaging Cinema: Emerging Trends in Filmmaking", which was held in IIT Madras in May 2010.
They are working on their next movie which is scheduled to go on floors in June this year.

Added by rabikisku on March 27, 2011

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