July 27
Why Lie, I Need A Drink
Location: Fools Foundation - 1025 19th St. Off of K St, between 19th and 20th, next to the back-end of Old Spaghetti Factory. 7:00 PM. Admission: $5.00.
A very special advance rough-cut screening of local comedian and filmmaker Keith Lowell Jensen's new feature length doc on panhandling!
Keith set out to not only take a look at panhandling, panhandlers and attitudes towards them, but also to dive in and try various methods of panhandling himself. We haven't even seen this yet ourselves, but knowing Keith, we'd bet there's a pretty fair mix of irreverence, humor, and sobering reality in this.
Keith Lowell Jensen will be in attendance for this screening for a Q&A and to get feedback on this rough cut following the film.
There is a remote possibility this will have to be moved to August if the rough cut is not finished in time. Please check the Shiny Object site at http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/ after July 15 to ensure this is still scheduled for July 27. Or, you can email screenings@shiny-object.com for confirmation.
We are doing regular weekly film screenings with Fools Foundation on Fridays at 7 PM - most are $5 (unless otherwise noted in advance), and will have filmmakers out from time to time.
You can always check http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/
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Official Website: http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/
Added by Shiny Object on June 28, 2007