2011, Léa Pool, Canada, 98 min.
“Indignant and subversive…resoundingly pops the shiny pink balloon of the breast cancer movement/industry.”
—John Anderson, Variety
As provocative as it is powerful, this incisive film looks at the all-pervasive “pink” trappings with which the harsh reality of breast cancer, now the poster child of cause-related marketing, has been clothed. Cutting through the emotional highs generated by the activism of pink-clad runners, walkers, and demonstrators to survey the scores of companies and consumer products, including yogurt, automobiles, home appliances, beauty and hygiene products, and even fried chicken and a model of handgun, that have jumped on the lucrative pink bandwagon, director Pool boldly questions where the billions raised go and who ultimately benefits.
Please check the Siskel Film Center's website for specific screening times.
Official Website: http://www.siskelfilmcenter.org/pinkribbons
Added by CHCGODuke on May 22, 2012