Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3J5

Tuesday, May 19, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Room, 224, Dalhousie Student Union, 6136 University Ave., Halifax

Free. All Welcome.

'MYTHS FOR PROFIT' is a dramatic, exposé documentary which explores 'Canada's role in Industries of War and Peace. Through diverse interviews and case studies this documentary unveils the specific interests and profits that are made by certain corporation, individuals and agencies within Canada. The Canadian government and the military would like us to believe that we are altruistic peacekeepers helping people around the world. But is this accurate?

examines how these misconceptions are maintained and who stands to gain by perpetuating them. By understanding the systems of power in Canada we can move forward in challenging how they operate and collectively create change. Learn about US weapons companies lobbying our government. Find out about the expansion in NS of Lockheed Martin, the world's largest weapons manufacturer.

Help with our campaign: Lockheed Martin Get Lost! Free but donations appreciated. All Welcome. Co-sponsored by NSPIRG.

For more information, please contact the Halifax Peace Coalition at
hfxpeace@chebucto.ca or visit us online at www.halifaxpeacecoalition.ca

Official Website: http://www.halifaxpeacecoalition.ca

Added by thegreenpages on May 12, 2009

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