1025 19th St. Suite O
Sacramento, California 95814

3/16 Hot Chicks - 7:00 PM

Location: Fools Foundation - 1025 19th St. Off of K St, between 19th and 20th, next to the back-end of Old Spaghetti Factory. 7:00 PM. Admission: $5.00.

Jack Chick has been producing religious tracts for 37 years - they are little comic booklets stressing a wide range of activities that will send you to Hell - including Dungeons & Dragons, homosexuality, rock music, going to parties, Trick-or-Treating, and, well, it just gets worse from there. Over the years, they have been revered by followers, derided by the Catholic Church, and collected by others - and been an inspiration for numerous punk LP's and inserts. P. David Ebersole and Todd Hughes decided to pull together a group of (mostly novice) filmmakers to adapt 9 of these religious tracts to film. So far, this has only played at the Los Angeles Film Festival, OutFest, NewFest and one exclusive gallery screening in Hollywood. And we're really excited to be bringing this to Sacramento. And if you don't go to the screening, it is our understand that you WILL go to Hell! So you might want to think twice about missing this...

We are doing regular weekly film screenings with Fools Foundation on Fridays at 7 PM - most are $5 (unless otherwise noted in advance), and will have filmmakers out from time to time. Digital projection on to a large screen. Seating is on folding chairs - feel free to bring a pillow or cushion - or even your own folding chair!

You can always check http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/

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Official Website: http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/

Added by ShinyObject on February 24, 2007

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