1025 19th St. Suite O
Sacramento, California 95814

3/16 Once More With Feeling: A Late Night Buffy the Vampire Slayer Audience Participation Event. 10:00 PM

Location: Fools Foundation - 1025 19th St. Off of K St, between 19th and 20th, next to the back-end of Old Spaghetti Factory. 10:00 PM. Admission: $5.00.

Audience participation with the Buffy episode "Once More With Feeling" has swept cities from New York to Tucson, and now it's coming to Sacramento!

On March 16th, show up at Fools Foundation to yell and sing along with this beloved episode of Buffy! Tell Dawn to "Shut Up!" (and maybe call her a shoplifter - you know you've always wanted to). Put on monster finger puppets! Shove vampire teeth in your mouth and just try to sing along with "Rest in Peace" and see just how much it sucked to be James Marsters (pun intended). Come armed with your best call back lines for this! And your best (or preferably, worst) singing voice! We hope to have goodie bags available for sale, and tip sheets (for free) to get you headed in the right direction - but then, the amount of fun you have will be up to YOU! Dress up as Buffy (guys can too, you know)! Dress up as Spike (girls can too, you know)! Heck, throw on your best bunny suit! There's no particular need for airborne objects however - this ain't Rocky Horror, and this is an art gallery and all... We have other stuff we're planning on showing, too - so hopefully it will be a fun night!
Advance tickets for this event are on sale as of NOW at Brown Paper Tickets - the first and only fair trade ticketing agency who donates part of their profits to worthwhile causes. Advance tickets are *strongly* recommended, as this could sell out. You can get them here:

We are doing regular weekly film screenings with Fools Foundation on Fridays at 7 PM - most are $5 (unless otherwise noted in advance), and will have filmmakers out from time to time. Digital projection on to a large screen. Seating is on folding chairs - feel free to bring a pillow or cushion - or even your own folding chair!

You can always check http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/

To get on our email list, send an email to:
or, to communicate with an actual human:

Official Website: http://www.shiny-object.com/screenings/

Added by ShinyObject on February 24, 2007

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