Film Market
"Bottom of the Hill in Surround Sound"
a series of short independent films and live music
D.W. Holiday
"One Weekend A Month"
Eric Escobar's short film starring Renee O'Connor ("Gabriella" character on "Xena Princess Warrior") and features music by Emily Saliers (of Indigo Girls) winner of Jury Prize in Short Filmmaking at Sundance 2005.
"I Need My Mocha"
Anthony Lucero winner of Best Short at the Latino Film Festival in November 2005.
"The Pink Dress"
Erin Michele Kruger honors at the Sacramento Film Festival and Paris Film Festival
"The Enfolding"
Miklos Philips
"Doing Something Pretty While You Can"
Mark Marez
Sheldon Callahan (complete film currently in post-production)
"Rabbits and Wolves"
John Madden (complete film currently in post-production)
-Music videos by Lisa Dawn Colvin and Erin Michele Kruger
Tuesday February 28
8:00 pm (doors at 7:30)
Dana Jae
There are some major updates to this event as this was posted when the line-up was still being in the making.
the second band is Schande and there are a few more films now on the roster.