Unit B 237 Walworth Road
London, England SE17 1RL

These workshops are FREE and open to anyone, if you have a Personal Budget or not.
Learn new skills and help others learn about the personalisation process.
Don’t know what that is? It doesn’t matter, you can find out as part of the group. Tried to get a personal budget? Great! We’d love to hear from you.
Film making
Fridays 11am – 3pm
Lunch provided
Our group of friendly volunteers are making a creative documentary film about different experiences of trying to get a personal budget, both good and bad. Help organise interviews, learn to use a camera to film, edit the film and plan a documentary. The final film will be screened at CoolTan events and film festivals. Open to all skill levels from beginners to expert.
Sign up now! Contact Clara on 0207 701 2696 or email clara@cooltanarts.org.uk

Official Website: http://www.cooltanarts.org.uk/

Added by Cooltan Arts 6527 on January 26, 2012