Hugh Hefner's life has been so prolific that two hours hardly seem enough. This engaging, irresistibly watchable profile by Oscar-winning Canadian documentarian Brigitte Berman concentrates on the Chicago-forged Hef's celebrity as standard-bearer for the sexual revolution and on his lesser-known career as a social activist, fighting battles for free speech, civil rights, gay rights and women's rights. HUGH HEFNER is neither a tell-all expose nor a shallow puff piece. This film may not convert you but it will convince you that Hefner's influence on the past half-century of American life has been undeniable and enormous.
2009, director: Birgitte Berman, 124 minutes, 33 mm
Screenings are:
Friday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 PM
Saturday at 3:00 PM and 7:45 PM
Sunday at 4:45 PM
Monday and Wednesday at 7:45 PM
Official Website:
Added by CHCGODuke on September 8, 2010