Join the Haiti Information Project and Haiti Action Committee to
commemorate the September 30, 1991 coup that overthrew President
Jean-Bertrand Aristide ,( elected by an overwhelming majority in 1990)
and led to the deaths of more than 5,000 people. Kevin Pina's first Haiti documentary, Haiti: Harvest of Hope, focused on the formation of Haiti’s Lavalas political movement, the election of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the military coup 7 months later
in 1991, and Aristide's eventual return from exile in October, 1994.
It's narrated by the actor Roscoe Lee Brown and was released for
distribution in the U.S. in 1997.
$5-20 to benefit Haiti Emergency Relief Fund (HERF) - no one turned
away for lack of funds.
Wheelchair accessible.
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Added by benburch666 on September 28, 2011