Now in its 4th year, the “15-Minutes of Fame” film festival will take place on Saturday, May 19th, at Palm Bay Dollar Movies, 160 Malabar Road, in Palm Bay.
The festival will showcase over 50 short films, produced by independent filmmakers from around the world. Festival directors Ray and Migdalia Etheridge report that about half of the films were made in Florida, and that several filmmakers will be on hand to introduce their films to the audience.
Mrs. Etheridge notes that “we received more outstanding Florida entries this year than ever before, including some from Brevard County. Many of the films were produced by students at Florida State University, with other entries coming from Full Sail, Dodge College, and other film schools from around the state.”
Mr. Etheridge adds that “about half of the films in our show were produced outside of Florida, representing many different styles and cultures. There are even a few foreign films, which will be shown with subtitles.” Genres include comedy, drama, and documentaries.
All of the films are less than 15 minutes in length, and will be shown in 2-hour blocks. Show times are at 1pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm and 9pm, and each show contains different films. Mrs. Etheridge adds, “you could stay all day and never see the same film twice.” Mr. Etheridge cheerfully points out that “our film festival is the biggest entertainment bargain in the area. Admission is only $2.00 per 2-hour show”. For further information, visit
Official Website:
Added by Ray and Migdalia on April 24, 2012