As demonstrated in her 2006 Film Center hit ZIZEK!, filmmaker Astra Taylor knows how to draw maximum wattage from the rock stars of the intellectual world ( described this film as "American Idol, post-Heidigger edition"). Taylor accompanies nine uncloistered philosophers through public spaces that invigorate their ideas: Cornel West compares philosophy to the blues while riding in a Manhattan cab; Martha Nussbaum dicusses the ethical implications of disability on the Chicago lakefront; Kwame Anthony Appiah glosses globalism on an airport people-mover; Peter Singer critiques consumerism while stolling past Fifth Avenue boutiques; and the ever-provocative Slavoj Zizek declares "We need more alientation from nature!" while rummaging through a London garbage dump. Also discoursing are Judith Butler, Michael Hardt, Avita Ronell and Sunaura Taylor.
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Added by CHCGODuke on March 16, 2009