Save Time & Money and avoid stress by learning to fill real estate documents properly. Discover what you need to know about investing in California foreclosures. Learn to avoid common mistakes investors make & avoid getting stuck in a bad real estate contract.
* Learn how to avoid the loopholes that could cost you thousands of dollars.
* Learn about Escape Clauses.
* Discover how to use Addendums effectively.
* What you need to know about Optional Clauses. Most investors take them for granted.
* What you need to know about assignments.
Michael Yesk, an Attorney for 24 years, has helped thousands of clients legally save millions of dollars in taxes on their investments. He is the co-author of "The Real Estate Investment Flow Chart," which helps investors get started on the road to real estate wealth.
Foreclosure is one of the top strategies for profiting in today's real estate market. Learn from a top expert how to cash in.
Get up to date information on:
* How to find distressed properties at a substantial discount.
* Learn several different ways to purchase distress properties, the laws that affect the purchase of foreclosures, and how to evaluate risks and rewards.
* You will become familiar with the legal documents, contracts, and forms through which distress property purchases are made.
* Do's, Don'ts and Common Pitfalls in Today's Foreclosure Market.
* Update on Current Trends and Practices in Today's Foreclosure Market.
* Innovative research techniques that will increase the profit potential in each property.
Warren Racine, MBA, is a Real Estate Broker and an instructor for 36 years. He is an expert on the California foreclosure process.
Warren is an investor in foreclosures and a mentor to those who buy distressed properties at a discount, repair the properties, and sell them for profit. Warren has taught more than 10,000 new and experienced real estate investors, real estate professionals and college students.
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Added by FullCalendar on May 9, 2011