15629 S. Rt. 59
Plainfield, Illinois 60544

Support our Troops This Holiday Season

St. Mary Immaculate Parishioners, in conjunction with Operation Support our Troops Illinois, Inc., are supporting our troops again this holiday season by collecting stocking stuffer items for shipment in time for Christmas.

To “Fill Our Troops’ Holiday Stockings,” items must be delivered to the St. Mary Immaculate Parish at 15629 South Rt. 59 in Plainfield no later than Thursday, Oct. 15th. Look for the drop-off box in the Commons area by the reception desk.

Here’s a stocking stuffer thought starter gift list: a holiday letter or card from you; mechanical pencils; 4 packs of AA and AAA batteries; mints and Christmas candy, individually wrapped Beef Jerky and Slim Jims; individual bags of nuts; individually wrapped Twizzlers; new CD’s and DVD’s; iTunes gift cards; small crossword or other puzzle books and Beanie Babies and other small toys such as Yo-Yo’s; etc.

You can also sew or buy Christmas Stockings for our troops overseas. For more information or for a stocking pattern, call Maria Prekop at 312-259-6851 or email her at Maria.Prekop@Navigantconsulting.com. Last pick-up day is Thursday, October 15th

Thank you for making a difference at the holidays for a military person overseas and in harms way. To learn about Operation Support our Troops go to: www.osotil.com/mainpage.html.

St. Mary Immaculate Parish is located at 15629 S. Rt. 59, Plainfield, IL 60544. With over 7,200 member families, St. Mary Immaculate is one of the largest Roman Catholic parishes in the US. It is a vibrant, welcoming community with over 100 ministries serving God’s people in the Plainfield area. For more information, go to www.smip.org

Official Website: http://www.smip.org

Added by debachtel on September 14, 2009

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