The Children's Museum in Easton presents their 5th Annual Play Fore Kids! Golf Tournament. The nine-hole tournament will be held at the Easton Country Club on Columbus Day, Monday, October 12, 2009, 2:30 p.m. shotgun start. The "multigenerational" tournament will feature two groups of golfers, novice and competitive. The novice flight will be for all beginner golfers age seven and up (i.e. mom and dad playing with children). The competitive flight will be for all intermediate golfers and above.
A clubhouse reception for all golfers and family members will start at 5:30 p.m. The reception will include a family style dinner, along with raffles, and an award ceremony. A firework display will begin at 6:45 p.m.
All proceeds support the museum's outreach too needy and underserved kids. Costs range from $200 for a foursome, $100 per adult/ child team, $50 per additional golfer, and $15 for non-golfers (family-style dinner, raffles, awards, & fireworks).
For more information, please contact Executive Director, Paula Peterson at the Children's Museum in Easton at (508) 230-3789 or via email at Or you can register online at
Added by cme417 on September 25, 2009