The Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations is pleased to announce its Fifth Annual Lyrica Dialogues at Harvard:
Friday, 8 April 2011, 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Pusey Room, The Memorial Church, Harvard Yard Cambridge, Massachusetts
Scholars from the U.S., Canada, the U.K., France and The Netherlands will present their research:
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Daniel Albright, Harvard University Musings on Maeterlinck, Mélisande and Mélusine
Samuel Dorf, University of Dayton
Hellenizing French Musical Neoclassicism: Polignac, Satie and the Aesthetics of Austerity
Helen Julia Minors, Kingston University (UK) Ambiguous (Feminist?) Sources and Cultural Contexts of Paul Dukas’s "La Peri"
and "Ariane et Barbe-Bleue"
Sander van Maas, Utrecht University
Between Divan and Screen: Messiaen and Psychoanalysis
Mark Seto, Columbia University
Franck’s "Psyche" and the Sublimation of Desire
Caroline Potter, Kingston University (UK) Sources for the text of Erik Satie’s "Obstacles venimeux"
Trent Leipert, University of Chicago
“Chanter sans sexe ?” Rubbing out the Male Subject in Serge Gainsbourg’s Early Songs
Rebecca Dowd Geoffroy, Duke University
La petite porte secrette: François Devienne’s "Les Visitandines," Satan, and the Reign of Terror
Sean Parr, Dickinson College
Dance and the Female Singer in the Second Empire
Colette Simonot, McGill University
Francis Poulenc’s "Les Mamelles de Tiresias" as an Opera of the Resistance
Respondent: Peter Laki, Bard College
Admission is free
Added by bergeronmaxime on March 15, 2011